Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Moses ben Maimon (Maimonides): Córdoba, 1204 AD

The music is Morisco music, found on Iberian Garden, Vol. 1 by Altramar. The piece is Muwashshah: Mā li-l-muwallah, 1113-1198.

This music takes place at the beautiful gardens along the Guadalquiver, near Cordoba. This is during the "convivencia" under Alfonso X (El Sabio - The Wise), the time before Granda fell: when Christians, Moslems and Jews lived at peace with each other. Muwashshah are songs in poetic form, with instrumental interludes in the form of Ibn Bājja (Avempace): 1470-1520. This is Morisco art.

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Moses ben Maimon (Maimonides) Cordoba 1204
Moses ben Maimon (Maimonides): Córdoba, 1204 AD

Although Maimonides lived circa the 13th century, a few hundred years before the Moriscos were expelled from Spain, we can get an idea how Jews were dressed before the Conquest (Granada fell in 1492). As the image shows, Maimonides was dressed in Mudéjars style. It is likely that most Jews dressed in Mudéjars style style. It must be pointed out that research about the question of Jewish dress at this time most often shows Jews dressed in Hassidic style. It is extremely unlikely that Jews in Iberia dressed in the style of Polish-Lithuanian/Ukrainian noblemen (szlachta) of the 17th century! Sometimes researchers are afflicted with mental illness.


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